Our Story
Kasohkowew Child Wellness Society (KCWS) is a Delegated First Nation Agency (DFNA) that delivers child intervention services to children and families living on Samson Cree Nation. KCWS is the largest DFNA in Alberta. Receiving its mandate through a Band Council Resolution, in 1997, KCWS is delegated by Alberta Children’s Services (ACS) and receives funding through the Federal Government.

KCWS incorporates Indigenous practices in protecting and empowering families of Samson Cree Nation to reaffirm our traditional Cree culture and to sustain a healthy community through enhancing the quality of life for our children, youth and families. KCWS achieves this by providing quality care and protection to Maskwacis children and families through reaffirming our Nehiyaw identity by incorporating our Cree values and traditions.

Kasohkowew: “the voice for children of the Maskwacis Territory.”